$2,800 Raised
One way to promote women’s health and well-being is by providing them access to feminine hygiene products. Such products are not always readily available, particularly in underprivileged communities. By providing feminine hygiene products, we can help women maintain a healthy menstrual cycle, meet their basic hygiene needs, and improve their overall quality of life.
Period poverty refers to the lack of access to menstrual hygiene products, education, and other tools that allow menstruating women and girls to manage their periods with safety and dignity.
In many underprivileged communities in Africa, the lack of access to menstrual pads and other toiletries often leads young girls to have inappropriate relationships with older men so they can provide for them. These relationships often have dire consequences, such as sexually transmitted diseases, unplanned pregnancies, and polygamous marriages, where many are abused.
We provide menstrual pads and other toiletries to girls in need to help avoid such unfortunate outcomes. These necessities are packed in small bags called GN Packs (Girl’s Necessities Packs). Our GN packs enable young girls to feel confident, loved, and valued. They are often distributed through a Christian-based self-development and mentorship program.
A typical GN pack includes one package of menstrual pads and some of the following: body lotion, soap, shampoo, deodorant, toothbrush, toothpaste, bras, and underwear. These other items are added based on the most pressing need in each month.
A GN Pack costs $10, and we would like to provide 100 packs monthly for a total cost of $1,000 per month and $12,000 a year. You can help by supporting one or many girls monthly.
Jedidiah had a dream—a dream she never had the chance to fulfill. But through the Jedidiah Talom Foundation, her vision…
“Every Girl should be able to manage her periods with safety and dignity.” – The Jedidiah Talom Foundation. Did you…