In addition to the work that the Mongeles do together, Yvette leads a group of young girls, age 13-20, addressing their specific issues, empowering them to confidently pursue their dreams, and helping them break the bondage of poverty. Considering the work that Christian and Yvette are doing with youth, the Jedidiah Talom Foundation has partnered with them so that together we can make a difference in the lives of young girls in Uganda. We started by sending Girls Necessities (GN) packs to evaluate the need, and the response was overwhelming. Yvette shared that the need for sanitary pads and other basic toiletries is crucial for the girls in Uganda. She also expressed the need for school fees and supplies for girls who are unable to keep up with proper education due to the lack of these necessities. Additionally, there are many young girls who are not going to school but would like to receive training for a skill that will ensure them a better future.
The need in Uganda is so overwhelming, and we are planning to help one step at a time.