
Training Skills

Create better opportunities for young women


$1,100 Raised

$5,000 Goal

In Uganda, the rate of young girls not going to school or attaining vocational training is very high due to the costs associated with education. Early marriages and teen pregnancy are also contributing factors.

Why do we care about education?

The JTF wants to promote girls’ education by supporting the cost of school fees, supplies, and vocational training that can empower young girls to break the cycle of poverty. Last year we helped two girls who urgently needed support. One of our partners bought a sewing machine for each of them and covered the training cost. We were delighted to hear about their progress and how their new skill is already changing their lives.

There are many other girls in similar need, and this year, we would like to help at least five more girls, and also give a few scholarships for school fees and supplies.

How can you help us

The cost of a sewing machine is $200, the training is $100 per 3-month session, and they need a minimum of 3 sessions. So, the total cost is $500 for a machine and training.

You can partner with us to give a better future to a young girl by covering this cost or part of it. Any amount you can provide will be beneficial.